Take me home
Green friends
Green Friends - Take them home with you
Call it plant crossing. Call it a plant distribution project. Just take one home.
All plants were bred and cultivated at home to be released into the wild and find a permanent home.
It started some years ago when I began distributing plants in the city. The first to try their luck in the big city were devil's ivy, avocado and spider plants.
Some finders reported their new green flatmates. The first one to find a new home was the first plant of its own. Another lived happily ever after with her new name Nadine.
If you take a plant home with you, feel free to share its journey to a new home and other adventures.
Chlorophytum comosum,
more commonly known as Spider Plant. Little did I know that this easy going maintenance plant with its beautiful and delicate white flowers has its origin in southern Africa. Where they are usually found in the undergrowth in mountainous regions and alongside rivers and bushes. If the plant gets enough light in its location, it can flower all year round.
Devil’s Ivy, or Golden pathos,
scientifically known as Epipremnum aureum, was given its demonic nickname because of its resilience. The plant is very forgiving if its carer is, shall we say, inattentive.
Persea americana MILL
The avocado plant grown from a pit can develop into a beautiful houseplant, but does not bear fruit. Despite this, I have not yet managed to get the plant to grow older than one year.The plant has a rather pinkish secret. Avocado peels and pits can be cooked to obtain a natural colouring with a surprising and delicate pink hue.